La Morena Huehuetenango is a captivating and exquisite coffee from the renowned Huehuetenango region. This exceptional coffee is produced by multiple small women farmers who support the empowerment and advancement of women in the coffee industry.
Roasted to perfection, La Morena boasts a well-balanced flavor profile with notes of rich dark chocolate, fig, and vanilla making it a truly remarkable and delightful choice for any coffee enthusiast. With each sip, you can taste the dedication and passion of the women behind this extraordinary coffee.
We are continually impressed by the determination and talent of the producers, and we are thrilled to share their remarkable achievement with you.
Guatemala La Morena Huehuetenago
We roast on Mondays and Tuesdays. Orders are typically shipped out, delivered, or available for pickup by Tuesday afternoon. Please contact us for other arangments.
Local Pickup and Delivery available